I just don't know what to think.
I didn't want to POAS until after work so I held my pee all afternoon (5+ hours) & re-tested this evening. The Clearblue Easy Digital came up "not pregnant". The FRER had a faint line within a few minutes. I took the FRER outside and I could see the line without squinting or having to look at it from a certain angle. Would love to think there's hope here, but I sure wish I wasn't still getting a negative on the digital a day & a half before my beta (supposedly CBE digital has a sensitivity of 25mlU).
The good news is that I had the last of my brownish bleeding last night and I haven't had any bleeding today.
It's going to be a long wait for Sunday.
Sorry you're still in limbo. I'm pretty sure, however, that the FRER is more sensitive then the digital hpts. Hopefully you'll get a stronger positive tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteI've read in a few places that FRER can pick up 12.5mIU even though they claim 25mIU. Just an FYI! And, I'm 11dpo today and have also had brownish spotting. The mind torture!!! Best of luck to you!!!
ReplyDeleteI know how frustrating that can be--hang in there! There's still time for that digital to start picking things up!
ReplyDeleteHaving peed on more tests than i would ever like to admit to - I rather think that the digital is one of the less sensitive tests. So fingers crossed for you!
ReplyDeleteSounds like a deja vu experience for me!! I also had bleeding very shortly after the bfp and was due to hormone fluctuations specifically p4. My first beta was only 82 if I recall so likely you are in that range if you are getting a faint line at 7dp5dt. And yes the digitals can only test as low as 50 hcg units...so do not despair! The FRER is right!! This is GREAT news!!
ReplyDeleteI've heard of people getting negatives on home pregnancy tests 14 days or more after transfer. Try not to worry too much(I know, easier said than done) and wait for your Beta.. :)