Tuesday, November 9, 2010

CCS Results

I'm very sorry I've been MIA recently. Life seems to be spinning out of control for me these days and I felt that way before everything that has happened within the last six hours. I'll blog more about what's going on at another time.

Dr. Surrey called this evening to let me know that both my 4AA and 3AB are normal. It hasn't even begun to sink in that there's finally hope for me. I'm. in. disbelief.

Yesterday I had my annual physical & they told me my bloodwork would be back in a week. This evening I had a message on my home voice mail saying that the doctor wants to recheck some of my bloodwork. Seriously, would the universe finally give me hope & then have something serious come up for me health-wise? Since it had only been 24 hours, my mom is trying to convince me that there was just a lab mixup & maybe they need more blood or something like that. Now I'm freaking out over the supplements I took for four months. God, please let it be nothing serious.

Hugs to you all,

An overwhelmed T.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Congrats on your two normals!!! fantastic!! and call your dr. in the morning and find out why they want to recheck some of the bloods and which ones. try not to jump to conclusions before then if you can. in my experience at least (as a cancer survivor), my doctors have always let me know when there is something worrisome/suspicious - I've learned to not freak out until they tell me to (about health-related stuff. about pregnancy, I still freak out : ) )

    keep us posted. thinking of you!

  3. Hey T...big hugs on the normals!!! And soo soo sorry you are in a state of panic/limbo with regard to the lab work. I really hope you find out very soon.

  4. I am so glad you have TWO normals. Hopefully the bloodwork isn't anything to worry about.

  5. Oh that is such good news! I'm so happy to hear it! I'm sure the bloodwork is just a mix-up or something. Try not to freak out. Hooray!

  6. Congrats on those TWO normals....awesome!!!!!!
